If you could document a totally normal day at home with your loved ones, would you let me into your house for a whole day? Or a half day? Even in this weird time, there are ways to still create lasting memories and treasured images, especially coming up to the holidays when we maybe can’t all meet in person.
Read MorePortrait photography = Dodgeball (kind of)
Taking someone’s portrait is a bit like a game of dodgeball. In Swedish they call it “spökboll” or loosely translated to ghost ball. Whatever… but kind of good to know if you have the ambition of becoming a physical education teacher in Sweden, then people will feel like you know what you’re talking about.
I digress.
These two activities are very similar, except instead of trying to hit someone with a hard, stinging rubber orb as hard as I can, I’m trying to capture them in a photograph. This is quite a big difference, a stretch you might say. But the likeness between portrait photography and dodgeball is that almost everyone is a bit reluctant to be “hit by the ball” or photographed in this case.
My beautiful friend Susanne who is also a badass entrepreneur.
They squirm around, they make weird faces, they stop breathing sometimes. They sweat, they moan, they have occasionally run away from me, or hidden themselves away somewhere in an open landscape office.
Sometimes the best tactic in both dodgeball and portrait photography is the sneak attack. That way people like lovely Theresa here don’t always notice when the moment of truth arrives.
Our job as photographers is to take aim, be patient and wait for the right moment. It’s also my job to make these reluctant victims comfortable - in the face of imminent impact - and this can be a challenge.
The Silva family before the arrival of Milo, Matteo’s little brother.
Luckily though, I’ve been blessed with the gift of gab (thanks Mum and Dad). You might call me a Chatty Cathy. A blabbermouth. A “tjatkvarn”. In Swedish they call it “stressprata” but that translates to stress-talking and that’s not exactly what I mean. I’m not stressed. I just think it’s nice to get to know people a little. Find out what their favourite color is. If they have a pet, a partner, a passion that they like to talk about.
Maja works at Electrolux Home in Alingsås and is probably one of the kindest people I’ve ever photographed.
In the end I might come away with 50 photos where they are speaking or gesticulating or blinking while they explain things about themselves, but that’s okay. Because we work in digital format now and it’s actually possible to shoot thousands of frames for zero money. And if this means that photo number 51 is a relaxed, natural portrait of a person who otherwise hates to be photographed, then my job is well done.
Artur is now slightly bigger than this, and even more curious.
There is something to be said for silence, as well. Some people don’t like to talk. That’s okay too. I think it’s nice if you feel like you can be exactly who you are when I take your picture, because ultimately that’s what we’re after, isn’t it? A picture of YOU.
Emilie is a brilliant dancer and choreographer. There’s not enough space here to write about all her fabulousness.
So, if you’re in need of a headshot, a passport photo, a wedding portrait, a family portrait, a cat portrait, a team photo, a class photo, a resume photo or you just want to practice being “hit by the ball” please reach out and book a time for a chat.
EVERYONE can be photographed. I truly believe that, and I love meeting new faces and bringing out the best in those faces. Also, meeting the humans attached to those faces is also really nice, and I hope I get to meet you soon.
Malin Granat som driver Eventolution och är en av dom mest drivna människor jag känner.
Linda, between set ups, looking for the right light at Hotel Clarion Post, Göteborg.
If you call, I will answer
When you know, you know.
That’s sort of what it’s like when you meet Linda Hammarstrand for the first time. You know that she will demand excellence and attention to detail. You also know that you would probably do anything, sit up all night, work overtime to find solutions to fulfil her wildly ambitious ideas.
But you also quickly realise that you’ve probably met the most loyal, generous and inspiring collaborator ever.
Solid as a rock.
It’s been more than 10 years since the first time Linda burst through the door and set off a confetti bomb of inspiration. Since then, I have had an absolut riot with her, but also learned a lot about myself and about people in general.
Firstly, when she calls, I answer. Because I know that on the other end of the phone is the beginning of some new adventure that I don’t want to miss.
Secondly, we should all take ourselves a little more seriously when it comes to our potential and capacity for greatness. The limits to what we can achieve are virtually endless, and as much as that might sound like cliché nonsense, it’s actually true. At the same time, we should take ourselves less seriously when it comes to titles, hierarchies and window dressing. Walk the talk, be true, real and honest. And have fun!
Thirdly, be nice, do your best, live with passion, lift the people around you and celebrate your successes.
On the rare occasion that I manage to capture Linda in a photograph, it’s kind of magical. Because all the other shots end up as a blurry mess of hand gestures, laughter, spontaneous speeches about passionate leadership, stories about her family’s new puppy, grand master plans for the future, a few curse words, finger pointing and hand clapping… the list goes on.
And then sometimes, stuff like this happens.
Thank you Linda for your trust, your openness and generosity. I’m always happy when you call, even if it’s just to hear your voice and know you’re still out there making the world a little bit more colourful.
A Photographer's Blog - An Introduction
My foray back into blogging begins with a little background to my new company name, why I like telling tall tales and what the power of an image means to me. Welcome!
Read MoreEtt riktigt gott skratt är aldrig långt bort hos dessa sköningar!
Teamwork makes the dream work
Vad får man när man blir anlitad som fotograf på en Electrolux Home butik? Om butiken befinner sig i Alingsås så får man mycket skratt, gott kaffe, hundmys samt många tacksamma, medgörliga och generösa fotomodeller.
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