Welcome and thanks for stopping by!
If you’re here, you might be looking for a photographer, which makes me happy. That you ended up here of all the places you could have ended up leads me to believe that there is some kind of divine internet order at work. Some might call it SEO, which I am in the process of learning about, but since I am (for now) completely illiterate when it comes to marketing online, I’ll call it divine internet fairy magic! So welcome and thank you!
A lot of people have asked me why I named my company “nomad stories”. I am not truly a nomad in the authentic cultural sense. Nomadic people live a truly remarkable and distinct life, which I would not want to appropriate. But I guess the word nomad resonated with me because I have traveled and lived in a lot of different places. I have taken some of my people with me, but left others behind. I am a product of all the meetings and partings that have occurred in my life, which makes me feel a bit transient at the root. The “stories” part is easier to explain. I do love a good stories, and believe that a great story has the power to do almost anything. To transform memory and perception, to inspire, to ignite and to move people. I strive to tell stories with authenticity and emotion, through images and now, a blog. I hope to use this platform to share some of my reflections about my work, the relationships I have to those I collaborate with and how that chemistry leads to amazing things.
What you’ll find here is a selection of work I’ve done through the years. For almost two decades I’ve been trying to capture moments in a way that will do them justice. Weddings and other rituals, family photo sessions and portraits, pregnancies and births, as well as a fair number of commercial assignments. I am especially weak for photo journalism and documentary photography, which you’ll notice here.
For me, pictures, both moving and still, have played a huge role in helping me to express and understand emotions that cannot be captured with words. Hence the endless delay in starting a blog. I most often would rather speak through images than in writing these days. I used to write all the time, but have found myself retreating - or maybe evolving - into a more image-based communication the past few years.
In any case, you’re welcome to visit my website whenever you feel the urge, you are also welcome to share it with anyone who is looking for a photographer and who you think might like my vibe. As I mentioned, this is just a small collection of my work, so please let me know if you would like other references.
Stay safe out there!
Warm regards,