I want to propose something that might seem a bit ill-timed, but I think it’s been hard to find a good time to launch this idea. But, all things considered, I will put this out there and those of you who feel interested, inspired and curious can reach out. I count on everyone taking their responsibility in these strange times anyway, myself included.
SO. Having said that.
At the beginning of the summer, I had the chance to test a concept which I would like to call “A Normal Day”. For me this entails literally, a normal day, at home, with a normal family. For a whole day. Or a half day, depending on how much time you want me to hang around.
Our day started at 06:30 when I woke up the family. They had told their kids the night before so no one was scared, I promise.
During this normal day, I took photos of a family here on the island. Normal situations turned into somewhat extraordinary photos.
Not because I’m amazing, but because people are amazing. People in general have no idea how much beauty their day-to-day life holds. How much wonder there are in their children’s eyes in a totally normal moment in front of the TV. How beautiful people look when they aren’t looking at me or my camera. I found that after a while, this is exactly what happened. They stopped noticing that I was there and just kept on doing their normal, everyday stuff.
SO. My proposition is this.
In the coming month, before Christmas, despite these weird times and despite the restrictions imposed by the government, wouldn’t it be nice to take some photos of your completely normal family, in your normal home, on a normal day, and feel just a little extraordinary? We would of course take the appropriate precautions, I will not show up if I’m sick or have symptoms, and you should call me if the same applies to you so we can rebook. I will keep an appropriate distance from you and your loved ones and if you like, I can even wear a face mask.
So many of my colleagues and creative partners have been paralysed by this pandemic, and in some cases, I feel like there are ways for us to continue creating art and beauty while still respecting the current state of the world.
SO. If you would like to know more about what this investment entails, what kind of arrangement we could make, how this could be possible for you and your family, please do not hesitate to reach out! All inquiries are welcome and I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject!
In addition to a squillion photos in the form of a digital delivery (on USB or via the interwebs) you will also get a cute, customised box and some small prints to hang immediately on your fridge or wherever else you display your finest things. Oh yeah, and a photo book! Nice right?